+ 19 naudų
* pagalba užtikrinant sklandų ir nenutrūkstamą gamybos procesą laikantis gamybos technologinių instrukcijų; * paruošti įrenginius darbui ir saugiai jais dirbti (įrengimų suderinimas); * gaminti produkciją pagal technologines instrukcijas; * kontroliuoti gaminamos produkcijos pakuotės kokybę; * atlikti žaliavos ir produktų pakrovimo (iškrovimo) darbus; * registruoti duomenis žurnale; * darbas pamainomis: - 4 darbo dienos (2 dieninės, 2 naktinės pamainos po 12val.), - 4 poilsio dienos.
* atsakingumas ir savarankiškumas; * darbo elektrokrautuvu patirtis - privalumas. * jei neturi patirties - ne bėda, visko išmokysime!
Siūlomos naudos:
Allive Europe is a modern organic hemp processing company. Our core values and company culture are coded and represented in the name „Planet Superfood“ – our dedication to employing preserving techniques in manufacturing, such as carbon-neutral, zero-waste and renewable energy use, directly translates to our care and concern for our environments, ecosystems and the whole planet, which should be nurtured and preserved for future generations to enjoy. Superfood, which is an inseparable and integral part of our brand, is our tool to achieve the demanding and never-ending journey of sustainability and preservation. With the help of the beforementioned techniques as well as sustainably sourced products, and more importantly - superfood products, we can achieve even the most arduous goals. Nutritionally dense, healthy and organically grown products not only guarantee the wellbeing of the consumer but also help initiate the dialogue about the processes of how products are made, how the planet and environments are treated during the manufacturing processes and what overall impact they have.
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